Monday, October 13, 2008

what's up, (google) doc?


once again, i will have to rave about google. this time, it's about google docs. i saw it before, but i didn't really know much about it and what it was about. this summer though, i saw google docs in use by a friend and i was just amazed. it's like, you dont even need microsoft office anymore! it's actually pretty easy to use and all you need is internet!

this is a good tool to use by businesses and organizations that constantly need to share information. it's pretty much like having a meeting face-to-face....except that it's online and you come to the meeting in your own time. sweet.

also, it's pretty good for taking class notes and such.

once again, good job, google.

africa 4 eva

1 comment:

putra said...

salam, hyy kawan, saya dari indo nesia dan ingin mengenalkan indonesia kepda dunia, ini blog yang ingin saya kembangkan untuk mengenalkan indonesia
tolong masukannya